Consider refinishing your old wood furniture!
Restoring wood can be a fun and rewarding project. Before you discard that old wooden furniture, you should give some serious thought into restoring it. It may take some work on your part, but there is a good chance you can bring it back to life.If you decide to try your hand at wood furniture restoration, here are some items that you will definitely need.
A Power Sander With Quality Sandpaper
Before you can paint or stain your furniture, you will want to sand it down well. More than likely, your furniture is not smooth to the touch. You want to sand out any imperfections with a power sander. You can sand the entire piece by hand, but it will probably take your hours and your arm will probably be hurting when you finally finish. In addition, you want to use some decent sandpaper. Don’t go cheap otherwise, your furniture will not receive the best results possible.
The Correct Stripper For Your Project
In order to remove the existing paint and stain from your furniture, you will need to buy a stripper. There are many kinds of strippers on the market. You will need to find one that will work for your project because they are not all the same. For example, if you are restoring a painted table, you will need to buy a thick stripper.
In order to apply stains and finishes onto your furniture, you will need some sort of cloth. You may not necessarily need to spend money on new shop rags, as you can simply use some old cotton t-shirts. If you decide to go this route, you want to make sure your cloths are lint-free. You don’t want them leaving anything behind.
Stains and Finishes
Once your furniture is properly stripped, sanded and wiped down, you are ready for a paint of stain. There are all sorts of products available to choose from. If you are unsure what to buy, you should speak to a professional. They will be able to recommend products for your specific furniture restoration project.
Miscellaneous Items
In addition to everything else, you are probably going to need some basic household items. This will include things like drop cloths, a pencil, painter’s tape, disposable trays or cups, markers, brushes, etc.
Mahogany, Inc. is a general contractor specializing in quality construction for projects across a wide range of industries. Located in southwest Baltimore, we employ 100 persons, and are one of the largest minority-owned businesses in the state of Maryland. If you are looking for custom millwork or other amazing wooden installations, then check out our website! Make sure to check back with our blog every week and find us on social media for important updates!